Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)

The material is subsequently processed to remove the sperm cells in the embryology laboratory utilizing the ICSI or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertilisation of an egg does not need mature sperm cells or passage through the epididymis. Due to the immaturity of testicular sperm, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is required.

As TESA is a rather complex operation, it might cause some pain for a few days. The patient does not need to spend the night in the hospital since it may be performed on a daycare basis under local anaesthetic or sedation. If TESA at IVF Center In Ahmedabad does not yield enough sperm, testicular biopsy is essential in such circumstances.

Many questions and worries have been raised concerning extracting DNA from a sperm cell in development. Additionally, there is always the possibility that the infertility problem might be passed on to future generations. Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) is a relatively recent method for retrieving sperm. Because of the lack of sperm in their ejaculate, males with Azoospermia are advised to undergo this therapy.

Reconstructive surgery (if there was blockage) or donor insemination were once the sole treatment options for Azoospermia. The introduction of intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection at our Metro IVF Center In Ahmedabad  (ICSI) has allowed many azoospermic men to become biological dads utilising sperm retrieved from their epididymis or testis.

Metro IVF Center is a trusted and compassionate clinic in Ahmedabad that focuses on enhancing the health of males and females. We provide the best attention and individualised care for every patient that helps them flourish on their journey to parenthood. We provide comprehensive testing and treatment from expertise that ensures your experience is worthwhile, convenient, and comfortable. To know more about our IVF Center in Ahmedabad and TESA procedure, get in touch with us.