Control Ovarian Stimulation

Control Ovarian Stimulation

Medication similar to that used to induce ovulation is given to anovulatory women. Treatments for infertility sometimes include drugs like these to boost the number of mature follicles and eggs released during fertilization. Infertile couples often turn to this treatment method. Pregnancy rates are higher when it is used with intrauterine insemination.

This therapy does not address the underlying reason for infertility. In contrast, a “shotgun” strategy is used to assemble as many eggs and sperm as possible at ovulation. With this therapy, individuals with unexplained infertility had a higher monthly probability of becoming pregnant than those who just practiced timed intercourse.

When the sperm count is meager, the sperm motility is poor, the fallopian tubes are obstructed, or the female partner is beyond the age of 41, ovarian stimulation with insemination is not recommended. The likelihood of success with this therapy in some instances is relatively low. In addition, several mature follicles for in vitro fertilisation cycles ( IVF) may be developed with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.

When Should You Use Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation?

Ovulation induction involves administering an ovarian stimulating medication in IUI and IVF cycles.

In IUI cycle you would be started with some oral medicines from day 2 or day 3 of your cycle and also 2 to 3 doses of hormonal injections on day 4/5/6 then you would be called for ovulation study with ultrasound for 2 to 3 times and when your eggs get matured you would be given an injection for final maturation and release of your eggs and after 36 to 48 hours of your last injection you and your male partner would be called for IUI .Your husband will be given a sterile container and a separate room for semen collection and his semen would be processed in our lab by our expert Andrologist which will take around 1 hours and after that the processed semen of your partner would be inseminated into your womb by painfree technique .You can go home walking after 30 mins of Insemination.

In IVF cycle you would be started with some hormonal injections and some oral medicines from day 2  of your cycle and after 5 doses of injections  you would be called for ovulation study with ultrasound and dose adjustment of the injections .Then you would be asked to continue those injections daily for further 4 to 5 days and would be called for ovulation study for 2 to 3 times and when your eggs get matured you would be given an injection for final maturation and after 34 hours of your last injection you and your male partner would be called for IVF and ICSI process .You would be subjected for ovum retrieval process ( taking eggs out of your body)under short anesthesia which is totally painfree procedure and Your husband will be given a sterile container and a separate room for semen collection and his semen would be processed in our lab by our expert embryologist.The processed semen of your partner would be injected into every mature egg retrieved and resulting embryos are kept in incubator and those are observed for development for 4 to 5 days.Then you are called for placement of 1 or 2 developed embryos in your womb by painfree technique which is called Embryo Transfer.You can go home walking after 1hr of Embryo Transfer and asked to report with HCG blood test after 14 days which will tell you the result of IVF procedure.

Control Ovarian Stimulation – At Metro IVF our IVF Doctor in Ahmedabad, we help you empathetic process from beginning to end and help you to make improvements and make life easier for patients and maximising the chances of successful cycle. We help you with the full spectrum of fertility care and help you build a family of tomorrow.