Semen Wash for Intrauterine Insemination

“Sperm washing” refers to isolating the viable sperm from the remainder of a semen sample. A man’s semen specimen is not ideal for directly mixing with eggs or intrauterine insemination since it includes dead or nonmotile sperm, enzymes, proteins, and fluids. HTF (Human Tubal Fluid) is a specialised sperm medium or solution that feeds and retains healthy, motile sperm until they can fertilise an egg.

The best sperm are separated from the rest of the sample by a multi-step process known as “sperm washing,” which includes centrifuging or spinning the semen sample many times. After years of research and development, sperm washing was shown to be the most effective method of preparing sperm for in vitro fertilization (also known as the “test-tube baby” technique).

I.U.I and Intrauterine Insemination

I.U.I., or intrauterine insemination, is a fertility therapy used for male and female infertility caused by factors such as low sperm count or motility, poor cervical mucus, low semen volume, anti-sperm antibodies, endometriosis, and unexplained infertility. Women having donor insemination with frozen sperm samples also have a much higher probability of becoming pregnant after undergoing I.U.I.

Metro IVF is an award-winning clinic and men’s health pioneer. We offer sperm washing that decreases the chance of infection passing to the partner and protocol is used to enhance the chances of having a baby of a specific sex. We understand that challenges could be part of the parenthood journey but we help you overcome them with appropriate treatment and state-of-art technology. We have helped thousands of individuals and clients in regaining their hope and happiness for parenthood.